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The Town of the XXI Century
Series of reports on ecological situation in Central Asia


The USA law on clean air - the "arcane" for pollution

In the USA the law "On clean air" was adopted for the first time in 1955 and was revised in 1963, 1965 and 1967. In theses early editions the role of the Federal government was kept in the shadow. The largest part of controlling functions and oversight of the law's execution was left to the states, which largely ignore the law. The current law was adopted in 1970 and was significantly amended and expanded in 1977. Today the "Law on clean air" is a quite thick document including more than 100 pages. The Law is accompanied by a large number of other legislative acts. The foundation of the Law is comprised of the national air quality standards, which set the acceptable levels for various polluting substances. The law also sets various quality standards for the industrial plants, power plants, and other, so called, "stationary pollutants". Finally, the law has provisions covering the exhaust gases of the vehicles. This stimulated the officials to use of catalytic transformers and quality control of the work of the vehicles' engines. Three largest vehicle manufacturers started to conduct serious work to develop mass production of electric vehicles, which can effectively compete with the gasoline-powered ones. Officials in California made a decision to deploy zero-pollution vehicles by 1998. Accordingly, for the gasoline engines a provision was made to supply only clean gasoline. The Law insisted in large companies stimulating their workers using one car or public transportation to go to work. Within a short period of time the carbon monoxide wastes were reduced by 90% and nitrogen oxide - by 75%. Lead was almost completely excluded from the atmosphere as a result of the ban on ethyl gasoline use. The US Congress constantly makes amendments to the Law necessary to solve the problem of toxic air pollution.

It is not recommended to breath deeply

"The Law on protection of the atmospheric air of the Kazakh Soviet Socialistic Republic" was adopted in 1981. "The Law on the environment of the Republic of kazakhstan", which was put into effect in 1991, does not provide for a ban on the use of ethyl gasoline, does not make provisions for the obligatory installation of catalytic transformers, for the use of gas cleaning technologies at the power plants and other industrial objects. Several years ago attempts were made to write a new law on atmospheric air protection, but they were not successful.

The new era in electric power production

The use of new technologies may lead to reduction of the levels of wastes from the power plants. To burn coal more rationally at the power plants, it is transformed into a gas-like condition. The combined cycle of complex gasification is also used and this results in reduced threats of environmental pollution. Technologies associated with electric energy production also include the ones, which allow to decrease the amounts of energy used in the production cycle with the simultaneous increase in production output. The new electric light bulbs and the accompanying equipment allow to save significant amounts of electric energy, this means to spend less efforts on production of electric energy and, consequently, to reduce environmental pollution.

Speaking about Kazakhstan, it is necessary to stress the fact that today there are several legislative acts requiring to use at the Almaty Heating and Energy Plant - 1 only coals with low content of ashes and low-sulphur gas. A perspective of transformation of the plant for using natural gas was discussed. But economic difficulties (particularly, constant shortages of gas supply) forced the officials to change their positive intentions. By the way, currently the specialists of the Almaty city division of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources are occupied with somewhat different problems. Head of the department, Mr. Alexandr Mironuk, says that soon the ecologists will have "head-aches" associated primarily with economic problems. Particularly, people start to fight with regular shortages in gas, heat and electricity supplies, buying various autonomously operating heating and electricity producing devices (for example, different liquid fuel ovens and mini power plants). In the few years to come the number of these "sources" of electricity and heat can increase significantly. And the wastes produced by such devices are much more dangerous because they climb only to low altitudes. The exhaust tubes of Heating and Power Plants are high enough for the wastes resulting from burning coal to be gradually absorbed by the atmosphere and to be moved out of the city limits, while the wastes produced by the liquid fuel ovens raise to ten meters over the ground and eventually fall on the ground. This way not only the air, but the land is also polluted.

People change the skin after a Thursday rain

As a result of burning mineral fuel, the sulphur anhydride (SO2) and other pollutants appear in te atmosphere an are distributed with rains, fogs and snow over forests, lakes, rivers and soil. The poisonous fog con be concentrated enough to cause "carbonization" of leaves and branches of trees. Oxidized water absorbs poisonous metals from the upper layer of soil and dissolves them in the tubes polluting the drinking water. The problem is made more difficult by ozone pollution - photochemical reaction of nitrogen oxides and organic pollutants results in the appearance of the specific "smog". Ozone is a form of molecular oxygen, presence of which in the stratosphere (upper layer of the atmosphere) is important because it blocks dangerous ultra-violet sun rays. The danger is that the same molecules in the troposphere (lower layer of the atmosphere) represent dangerous elements destroying living tissues including human lungs. Destruction of forests is a result of the combined influence of the acid rains and ozone pollution. Ten thousand lakes in sweden, Norway, Canada, Great Britain and the United States can not support water types of life as a result of acid precipitation. Fish was extinguished in thousands of these lakes. More than 1/5 of all forests in Europe are sick including half of the forests in West Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

The wind lit up lights in my house,the sun provided heat not only for my soul...

Aerodynamic turbines - one of the most ancient ecologically clean sources of energy. More than ten years ago thousands of wind devices with the total projected power of 650 megawatts produced electricity in the USA. Approximately 80 percent of the world's aerodynamic energy is produced in California, the kind of energy is getting more common in Mid Western states, Belgium and Europe.

The most elaborate kind of solar energy is the, so called, "photogalvanic" system, when the panels are set on the roof or on the ground. Even if one of the links is broken, the rest of the links continue to function when the sun is bright and when it is covered by clouds. In Japan and Germany people are financially stimulated to purchase solar batteries. Active campaigns were launched in Austria and Switzerland to introduce the new device.

Despite the protests of the "greens", specialists continue to consider nuclear energy as a environmentally safe. In France about 70 percent of electric energy is produced by nuclear power plants. However, the new nuclear power stations are not constructed as a result of the deep fear entrenched in public consciousness after the catastrophes at Chernobyl and Three-man-island, USA. But thanks to new technologies, especially to the ones developed in Japan and Sweden, the attractiveness of nuclear energy may be increased in public eyes. For example, in Sweden a new " naturally safe reactor" capable of resisting earthquakes, floods and fires was developed.

Dreams come and do not come true.
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