The Town of the XXI Century
Series of reports on ecological situation in Central Asia
This is how we decided to entitle a small chapter, in which people living in
the regions more or less affected by the expansion of deserts, are telling about
how the degradation of the nature influences their lives.
Fischer Ivan Edmundovich, chairperson of the local Committee on land
relations and land improvement (Shortandy village, Akmola region):
Wind and water erosion has led to degradation of the soils and to the
decrease of fertility. While the "virgin" lands were developed, soil properties
and geomorphologic particularities were not taken into account and standardized
2X2 km fields were cut. As a result of accumulation of snow, every spring
melting waters move away the fertile upper layer of the soil. Total ploughing up
near rivers and ravines also stimulates erosion. The region also suffers from
problems related to the lack of fresh water. Collective farm named after Saken
Seifullin has to drive in the necessary water resources. Soils were seriously
damaged by the use of herbicides 2.4 "D".
Shevchenko Alexei Alexeevich, the head of the local department of ecology
and biological resources (Shortandy village): "It is necessary to combine
turnover plough and flat cut processing of the land. The latter one stimulates
the development of various diseases of the plants and speeds up rotting of the
roots. Turnover plough helps to effectively fight the diseases."
Semenov Alexandr Matveevich, teacher (Shortandy village):
"I have two children, the younger child is 10 years old, the older one is
15. We live using products grown at our own farm: we have some crop land, cows,
pigs and birds. In the region the process of expansion of deserts is reflected
in the increased square of salted lands, destruction of plants in the forests
and among the water sources.
Zachepilo Mikhail Mikhailovich, pensioner, participant of World War II (Shortandy
"Birch forests were destroyed when the "virgin" lands were ploughed up. Now
the unique steppe lakes, which are not supplied with melting waters are drying
out and covering with silt. Pants, which were growing on the shores of the
lakes, were destroyed by cattle, water birds and their nesting places were also
destroyed. Kopyrkol, Erkygyz, Shoshaly, Balyktykol, Dalakol, Esenbakty lakes
have dried out.
Nurtazina K (Bakanas village, Almaty region):
"After swimming in Ili river many people suffer from ulcers appearing on
their bodies. Allergic diseases are also very common."
Ordabaev T (Bakanas village):
"Melons and water melons growing on the fields are not sweet. Inside
water-melons there are multiple hard white spots, their taste is salty".
The "National programs of actions aimed at fighting the expansion of deserts"
contains a chapter, which is called "The strategy of actions against the
expansion of deserts". This is a wide program of actions for a large number of
people, including government officials and peasants, who know about the
expansion from their everyday experiences. It also outlines the activities for
lawyers, scientists, economists and financial specialists.
Here is a short paragraph dealing with forests, or, with the so officially
called forest resources.
"The total square of forests growing in the Republic is 24,6 million
hectares, out of which 10,5 million are represented by lands covered with
forests. The share of desert forests is 63%, mountain forests - 21%, and the
steppe and river valley forests account for 16%.
Intensive development of natural resources has speeded up the process of
expansion of deserts, which is taking place in the forests. Non-systemic cutting
of trees, plough of the lands covered by forests, forest fires have also
significantly damaged the forests. Within last 30 years the square of forests
only in Kyzyl-Orda region has decreased by more than 100 thousand hectares, the
remaining parts of the forests are characterized by lower levels of growth and
expansion. Irrational activities of the people have seriously damaged wild fruit
forests, their square has been decreased by one third.
Genetic assessments and development of genetic databases of the unique types
of trees are carried out to ensure stable preservation and rational exploitation
of the biological diversity. The plans also provide for expansion of the network
of natural forest reserves, national parks, genetic reserves, which are typical
for any local typological complex.
Significant damage to forests is caused by forest fires. During dry years
they destroy up to several hundred and even thousand hectares of forests. That
is why the plans provide for improvements of the forest protection services,
construction of the new fire towers, 100% increase in the number of the forest
security staff and complete equipment of the forest security service by modern
communication devices, fire extinguishing equipment and vehicles.
Mainly selective and gradual cutting of the mountainous and river valley
forests of the Irtish region is recommended…"
The dots are put here to symbolize that the outlined actions do not limit the
activities, which can be undertaken to preserve the environment.
The same can be said about preservation of water, soil, wild animals,
pastures and grass lands and everything else, which surrounds people in their
everyday lives, and which, in the end, represents the life itself.
By the way, in the autumn of 1998 scientists representing Kazakh scientific
research institute of environmental and climatic monitoring visited the Aral Sea
region. They are often visitors in the region and every time they go they bring
back stories filled with new colors, which unfortunately, can hardly be called
bright. This is understandable. The representatives of the scientific research
institute witnessed the death of the Aral Sea. They saw how playing sea waves
gradually turned into laying salt, which is carried away by winds for many
kilometers. They saw ships, which were forever caught into sand traps. They saw
abandoned villages of fishers. Understandably, such pictures put significant
pressure on the hearts of the scientists.
But this year the scientists saw how the desert has changed. In those
regions, where winds were building sand hills and where there were no animals
and even no snakes or lizards, now there are plants. The reason for the change
is quite simple, specialists of the forestry department from the city of
Shuchinsk are doing what people must do: they are planting trees in the deserts.