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 Ecological scientific popular magazine Terra – Zher-Ana

The goal of this publication is to serve as a link between government agencies business community and NGOs facilitating harmonious co-existence of human beings and nature.

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #10.
- Solar energy in Kyrgyzstan
- Wind energy
- Gennady Doroshin, UNEP: "Kazakhstan can be considered
as the suitable country for the development of wind energy"
- Biomass
- What is biogas installation and how it works
- Biogas installations in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan
- Use of renewed sources around world

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TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #8-9.
Special issue on chemical pollution problems in Kazakhstan.
- Information on The International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) and initiatives.
- So-called "historical pollution" is serious environmental problem in Kazakhstan.
- The program on improvement of industrial and household waste products utilization will be implement in Kazakhstan.
- Information to Parliamentary Hearings on industrial and household waste products in Kazakhstan.
- Almaty, the southern capital of Kazakhstan, can appropriates the status "zone of ecological disaster" as well as Ust- Kamenogorsk, Eastern Kazakhstan, in which ecologists mark a rare syndrome - "life dying".
- The terrible truth about "nuclear testing area children".

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #7.
Results of The 5-th Pan-European Conference of Environment Ministres
- Kiev 2003 - Initiatives of Ministers from Central Asia
- Environmental situation of the region
- Aarhus convention attracts attention of politicians and public
- NGOs ask ministers to support the idea to create Water Centres
- Discussions on nuclear wastes in Kazakhstan continue

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #6.
The issue contains articles: - forests in Kazakhstan; - problems of landscape and unexplored wilderness protection in Kazakhstan; - one from solution of Aral crisis: to enhance of social-ecological environment in region; - how to treat Balkhash lake "illness"?

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #5.
The issue contains articles: - Aarhus Convention implementation in Kazakhstan; - "green" NGOs in Kazakhstan; - Katon-Karagai national park - "pearl" of Kazakhstan and Altai-Sajanski region; - training on desertification in Kazakhstan; - conference on drinking water quality (held in Almaty).

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #4.
Special issue on POPs-related issues in Central Asia. Report on implementation of the Central Asia-wide (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan). Project “Development of tools and mechanisms facilitating promotion and implementation of key environmental protection conventions in Central Asia based on the example of Stockholm Convention: public participation in global persistent organic pollutants liquidation process”.

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #3.
Special issue on problems related to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Central Asia.

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #2.
The issue is comprised of articles on activities aimed at implementing international ecological conventions in Kazakhstan: current situation and challenges. Tips on how to protect health from the influence of harmful ecological factors. Problems of air pollution, protection of forests, toxic wastes in Central Asia etc.

TERRA-Zher-Ana Issue #1.
The issue contains articles on implementation of environmental protection conventions in the Republic of Kazakhstan; water supply issues in Central Asia; opinions of well-known scientists on sustainable development etc.

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