Abbreviated project report (July 1–December 31, 2002)
Informational campaign
Project activities were focused in several key directions:
1. Development and editing of materials on issues related to persistent organic
pollutants and adaptation in easily accessible understandable formats (to
organize informational campaigns and round tables in Central Asian states).
Ecological News Agency Greenwomen published a special issue of Terra – Zher Ana
magazine covering issues related to persistent organic pollutants.
Ecological News Agency Greenwomen developed recommendations aimed at organizing
informational campaigns for consultants and coordinators working in Central
Asian states.
A list of topics (issues) and supporting information for media coverage was
offered to ensure effective organization of informational campaigns in Central
- Sources of persistent organic pollutants in each country.
- Overall identified or estimated quantity of persistent organic pollutants in
each country
Concentration levels in each environmental component.
- Management of persistent organic pollutants (organizations involved and their
respective functions).
- Legislative acts addressing issues related to persistent organic pollutants.
- Situation involving industrial persistent organic pollutants.
- Effects on public health.
- Measures undertaken at the national and local levels to resolve issues
related to persistent organic pollutants.
2. Consulting services for project participants and target audiences.
3. Development of agendas for the roundtables; methodological support for
organization of the roundtables.